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Taking Action

Hearing God's Call

Where do you turn to seek a vision of God’s plan for the earth and your offering to fulfill it? How does your vision of God’s plan influence your actions? How do you share your vision with others—in your family, your religious community, or your neighborhood? How might you initiate or support activities in your religious community, neighborhood, or workplace to live more in harmony with God’s creation?

Ways to Reduce Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions

1. Use a car less and a bike, bus, train, or the sidewalk more; when you do need to drive, carpool;  If you consider buying a new car, select the most fuel-efficient vehicle possible (for more info visit the US Dept of Energy and US Environmental Protection Agency’s webpage on fuel-efficiency vehicles at

2. Buy from local farmers and producers (according to US Department of Defense on average food travels 1300 miles), and buy your food in bulk, which comes with less packaging. Find out if there’s a farmers market in your community.

3. Discover new ways, and rediscover old ways, to have fun and enjoy God’s creation without using electricity or fuel.

4. Buy energy efficient technology—look for the "Energy Star" label—the EPA’s energy efficient stamp of approval (for more info visit A great first step is to replace incandescent light bulbs (particularly as they burnout) with fluorescent light bulbs. Fluorescent light bulbs last ten times as long and use one fourth of the energy.

5. Research, advocate for, and buy RENEWABLE ENERGY! Turn that wind into warmth—several utilities, particularly in Iowa, get a (small!) percentage of their energy from wind. There’s also solar energy, biofuels, and geothermal energy. To learn more about renewable energy in Iowa visit the Iowa Renewable Energy Association webpage at

6. Use your consumer power!—tell industry and government what you believe through letters, phone calls, and visits.

7. Advocate for strong international agreements and domestic public policies to reduce greenhouse gases.

8. Plant trees and restore prairies (trees provide shade in the summer and warmth in the winter and both trees and prairies absorb carbon dioxide).

9. Create a Caring for Creation Committee at your church, and as your first project become an Energy Stewardship Congregation—a program created by the NCCC to help congregations make their building/s more energy efficient. To learn more about the Energy Stewardship Congregation program call 1-800-288-1346 or visit

10. Challenge your concept of need and base decisions on your morals not your financial budget! Want more ideas or more information on the ones listed above?

Call EMI’s Global Warming Project at 319-395-6703.

Make a Commitment!

1. In my own personal life and in my own home my FIRST STEP towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions will be…

2. In my congregational life and at my place of worship our FIRST STEP towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions will be…



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For More Information contact:
EMI’s Global Warming Project
3816 36th Street, Suite 202
Des Moines, IA 50310-4722
(319) 395-6703