About the Season of Creation

The church year is organized primarily on the life of Jesus and the life of discipleship. Clearly we worship God as source of all things, Christ as the redeemer of all things, and the Spirit as sustainer of all things. Nevertheless, the focus on Jesus and the Christian life in the lectionary system may not give adequate opportunity to focus on God the creator, the biblical call to worship with all creation, and the biblical mandate to care for creation. A Season of Creation is an opportunity for congregations who so choose to take time in the church year to focus their celebration on God the creator, Christ as the redeemer of creation, and the Spirit as sustainer of creation—to worship God along with all creation (as the Psalms enjoin), and to express gratitude, love, and a commitment to care for all living things on earth.

Given the importance of creation in the life of Christians and the current ecological threats to human and non-human life on this earth, many of us believe it is time to provide a focus on this dimension of our Christian life and to do so at the very center of our life together, namely, in worship. A Season of Creation is one way to do this. For further reflections, please consult the section on “A Theology of Worship

About the Season of Creation

● Concern for creation may be celebrated in the lectionary choices throughout the year. Clearly, creation themes are present in many texts throughout the year. And we encourage this. There are also special days to celebrate creation, such as Rogation Day. There are now two web sites that offer “care for creation” notes on the lessons for the three-year cycle.

● The idea for a Season of Creation is not new. The idea has been proposed in past centuries as a modification of the church year and as an alternative option within the lectionary system. There have been movements in recent years to celebrate a season of creation in the church year of the Episcopal and the Anglican communities.

● Celebrating a Season of Creation is voluntary. It is the choice of individual congregations to choose to do all or some of the suggested Sundays in a Season of Creation.

● A Season of Creation is not meant to introduce a secular or political agenda into our worship life. We believe so strongly that creation along with the human responsibility to worship with creation and to care for creation is first and foremost a religious issue—with many crucial personal, social, and political implications. The biblical mandate to care for creation is so strong that it is a fundamental part of our human vocation before God. It is a mandate we can all embrace as Christians.

● A Season of Creation does not introduce thematic worship into a lectionary system. In a sense, every Sunday in the church year has a theme running through the lessons of each season (for example, the temptations of Jesus in the First Sunday in Lent). The focus for each Sunday in the Season of Creation follows in this tradition. It simply names the theme of that Sunday in the season.

● A Season of Creation is not designed to detract in any way from our responsibility for love our neighbor. Instead, it is hoped that care for all creation will deepen our responsibility to do justice on behalf of our fellow human beings with the recognition that such justice is bound up inextricably with ecological degradation as well. Hopefully, the present lectionary focus on the life of Jesus and on Christian life in the Spirit, along with the Season of Creation, will lead us to deal with issues such as racism and poverty. A focus on creation will address these issues in the context of a concern for the ecological state of God’s creation.


Become a Green Congregation:
Transforming Faith Communities

Complete Manuals
Getting Started
Religious Education

Building and Grounds
Home and Work

Congregational Reports

Restore the Earth:
Transforming Society

An introduction to
our Ecological Problems and the Available Solutions