It is absolutely crucial that education becomes an integral component in our efforts to become communities that care for creation. We cannot assume that people discern the urgent nature of the ecological issues. We cannot take for granted that they understand the dynamics of global warming or the deterioration of the ozone layer or the loss of biological species. We cannot assume that people will see how some biblical interpretations and some theological points of view have in fact been contributing to the mentality that degrades the Earth. Learning about these things is essential to becoming part of the movement in the church to care for the earth.

Reflection: why education is essential
Action Plan: implementation ideas
Resources: curriculum, books, ideas, and more!



Become a Green Congregation:
Transforming Faith Communities

Complete Manuals
Getting Started
Religious Education

Building and Grounds
Home and Work

Congregational Reports

Restore the Earth:
Transforming Society

An introduction to
our Ecological Problems and the Available Solutions