Resolution Concerning Energy Conservation in Congregations
by the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America, on June 9, 2001, while meeting in Martinsburg, West Virginia
WHEREAS, this synod recognizes God as Creator of all; and
WHEREAS, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has issued a social statement, "Caring for Creation," which states that we of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are deeply concerned about the environment, locally and globally, as members of this church and as members of society; and
WHEREAS, this synod has actively participated in the West Virginia Interfaith Global Climate Change Campaign, in conjunction with the West Virginia Council of Churches and others; and
WHEREAS, recent crises of energy supplies have made evident the immediate need for energy conservation by all; and
WHEREAS, good stewardship of God's creation demands that we restrict our consumption of energy in order to reduce contributions to global climate change; and
WHEREAS, this synod maintains a file of information which guides congregations through an energy audit process; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that prior to the synod assembly of 2002 all congregations conduct an audit of energy consumption on congregation-owned property; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the synod Committee for Church in Society provide information and support to congregations as needed and appropriate to meet the terms of this resolution.
Adopted by vote SA01.6.22
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