Becoming Faithful Energy Stewards For the creation waits with eager longing for revealing of the children of God . . . in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God (Romans 8:19-21) CALLED TO "TEND AND KEEP" The Bible tells us that on each day of creation God saw that all was "good" and on the last day that it was "very good." Indeed, according to Genesis 9:10. God has established a covenant "with every living creature" and with the earth itself (Genesis 9:13). The biblical word "covenant" implies mutual trust and responsibly, and describes the special relationship between God and all creation. Humankind has been given an important role in this covenant relationship. God calls us to "tend and keep" this garden called Earth (Genesis 2:15).
"THE LAND MOURNS" But we all know that we have not always been faithful partners in this covenant. In our sinfulness, we have hurt each other and the rest of creation. The biblical prophet Hosea warned that as a consequence of human disobedience and selfishness "the land mourns and . . . even the fish of the sea are perishing" (Hosea 4:1-3) Today we are recognizing in new and alarming ways the truth of the prophet's warning. Most climate scientists now agree that our increasing over consumption of fossil fuel has led to climate change.
2500 of the world's leading atmosphere scientists agree that global warming has already begun. They warn that if we do not curb automotive and power plant emissions of global warming pollution, we will change the climate, triggering more extreme weather, floods and droughts that would damage croplands and forests, deadly heat waves, a rise in the sea level that would flood coastal areas, and severely affect human, animal and plant health and survival.
to Earth
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A FAITHFUL RESPONSE Christians believe that God heals what human beings have broken and calls people of faith to participate in the restoration of creation. When we use less energy in our homes and churches and use it more efficiently, and when we move away from our reliance on fossil fuels and use instead more renewable energy sources, we point to and participate in God's healing of creation. Though it may be too late to prevent climate change, we can design policies and take actions to slow it down. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Become an "Energy Stewardship Congregation" Examine your congregation's and your own individual energy consumption. Your church can make a commitment to use less energy and to make your building more energy efficient. For more information call 1-800-288-1346 or click here At home and at church:
Walk, bike, and use public transportation whenever possible Encourage your local, state, and national elected officials to endorse a "Clean Energy Agenda" which would include
A Climate Change Information packet is available without cost by calling 1-888-9-CLIMATE It includes It's God World: Christians, Care for Creation and Global Warming - a five session Bible study for congregations. |
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