LENS - Lutheran Earthkeeping Network of the Synods

Southeast Michigan Synod

Environmental Justice Task Force

The Environmental Justice Task Force calls the people of the Southeast Michigan Synod to awareness and action for all aspects of environmental justice recognizing the full expanse of God's Creation.

Join with us in the following ministries:

Turn the Tide for planet Earth with your congregation

This Website http://www.newdream.org/turnthetide/ is a fun and effective way that individuals and communities can work to make a difference for Creation. Turn the Tide offers nine simple actions almost anyone can take and then instantly shows them the positive effects of their action. Working as community with your congregation, you can make and chart your progress.

What is the Real Cost of the Paper You're Using?

Churches add to environmental destruction by our use of large quantities of paper. Reduce your impact by using less and buying 100% Post-consumer recycled paper for as many tasks as possible. Check out "Treecycle's" Website at http://www.treecycle.com/. Consider forming a congregational co-op to buy environmentally friendly paper in bulk.

Wild Corner Program

Practice environmental tithing by setting aside part of your property for wildlife. The Wild Corner program provides a beautiful sign, certificate, and lots of information for churches and congregational members who are committed to supporting the web of Creation. Contact Beth Duman at (517) 548-1807 for more information.

City Gardening Program

Join with other churches in supporting community-based agriculture. The Environmental Justice Task Force works with the Detroit Agriculture Network in providing information, teaching seminars, and hands-on experience for church and urban gardens. Each June, the task force hosts a marvelous urban garden tour. This year, we will also be participating in the Detroit Agricultural Network's garden tour in August. Call Loretta Curtis-Cook at St. Olaf Lutheran Church for more information on our programs.(313)864-0088.


Bring a worship experience to your congregation that stresses our Christian call to "learn to live simply so others can live." The hour worship experience led by Chriscendo is based on the music from John Pitney's book "Walk Lightly on the Earth" and includes music, readings, prayers, and a few animal guests to liven things up. Chriscendo is a traveling group of musicians from the Howell area dedicated to praising God and sharing his love through contemporary music and worship. For more information contact Bob and Beth Duman (517) 548-1807.

Earthkeeping Ministers

The Environmental Justice Task Force has been working to identify an "Earthkeeping Minister" in each congregation of the Synod who will serve as a liaison between the task force and his or her home congregation to bring Earthkeeping curricula and programs into each congregation. Please help us connect with the person in your congregation who is called to this ministry. Contact Margarete Kammer (248) 545-8747.

Environmental Justice Tape Library

The Task force maintains a small collection of videotapes that can be borrowed for congregational use and study. Some of the titles included are: Affluenza, Escape from Affluenza, Keeping the Earth, and City Gardeners. Contact Beth Duman (517) 548-1807) to borrow tapes.

Affluenza Parties

Task force members will come to your church to facilitate the viewing and discussion of the award-winning video, Affluenza. Affluenza is about the modern-day plague of materialism and over-consumption, and the commercialism that feeds it. Contact Wendy Schlueter (313) 345-5728 for more information.

For more information, contact Beth Duman (Peziza@aol.com).