Caring for Creation Now! Consultation Agenda Wednesday, November 5, 2003 2:00 pm: Transport to St. Mary of the Lake by bus. 3:00 pm: Check-in. Refreshments. Meet and Greet. Informal time. 3:30 pm: Opening prayer/meditation. 3:45 pm: Ice breaker. 4:15 pm: Where were we 10 years ago? How far have we come? 5:30 pm Large Group Discussion. What steps has your congregation or
synod taken to Care for Creation? 7:30 pm Keynote Presentation: Jim Martin-Schramm Thursday, November 6, 2003 7:30 am Time for walk. 8:15 am Breakfast. 9:00 am Reflection/prayer. 9:15am Inez Torres Davis, Women of the ELCA. Anti-racism
trainer. 9:45 am Small group work. Identify and prioritize emerging
environmental 10:45 am Break. 11:00 am Large group discussion of small group findings.
11:45 am Panel Discussion including Q and A: 1:00 pm Lunch 2:00 pm Introduction of draft report. Peter Bakken Read
draft report, walk, talk, think about draft report. Time for networking
and information sharing.. 4:00 pm Discussion of draft report in small groups. 5:00 pm Small group work. Identify barriers to implementation
of Caring for Creation vision and commitments. 6:15 pm Dinner. 7:45 pm Large Group Discussion: The draft statement is just
one strategy for addressing the ELCAs work in caring for Creation.
What other strategies could be employed? How might we work together to
address the barriers, challenges and emerging issues given the current
political, social and economic context inside and outside of the church?
9:00 pm Closing prayer/meditation. Handout revised draft
statement Caring for Creation Now For the Healing of the World.
Reaffirming the Vision with Courage and Commitment 8:15 a.m. Breakfast and check-out. 9:00 am Reverend Trimble Gilbert: The Cross and the Caribou. 10: 00 am. Large Group Discussion. How shall we move forward?
Finalizing our draft statement and leadership commitments from participants
and Churchwide staff. 11:30 am Meditation, sending prayer. Noon: Transport back to Churchwide office. |