Lake Park Lutheran Church
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Care for Creation Action Plan
Adopted February 2007
Vision and Purpose of Care for Creation Plan:
The Lake Park Congregation desires to contribute to the transformation of society so that humans live in harmony with other life and preserve the earth for future generations with the immediate goal of becoming a congregation that intentionally works toward healing creation.
Goals of the Program:
The goals of the program include the revitalization of identity and mission of the congregation to integrate care for creation and to actively promote ecological justice for earth and community.
The Lake Park Church Council entered into a Green Congregation Covenant accepting congregational responsibility to be a steward of the earth. As part of that covenant, the Care for Creation team was designated to provide leadership, work with committees to develop action plans, and to oversee and provide support for the implementation of a congregation-wide plan. Care for Creation ministry is woven into the structures that already exist at the church, therefore, existing committees are charged with incorporating the vision and goals of the program into their work. The Care for Creation team provides support to those committees and creates and implements plans that do not clearly fall into specific committee responsibilities.
Purpose of the Plan:
The purpose of the action plan is to be a way of documenting our goals throughout the life of the congregation and will be used to hold ourselves accountable to their implementation. The plan is not meant to be a rigid set of rules or standards, but rather a starting point for our work together that will continue to evolve as this philosophy takes hold and permeates our work. The Care for Creation team will evaluate the implementation of the action items set by the various committees at least quarterly, will celebrate the work being done, and will keep the council and congregation appraised of the successes and challenges along the way.
The plan sets specific goals by all committees for implementation during the 2007 year, plans to implement within the next three years (by 2009) and plans to pursue within a 5 year time frame (by 2011). It is anticipated that these plans will evolve and expand during these time frames.
Committee Chairperson: Laurie Rappa
Care for Creation Team Liason: Heather Albinger
One Year Plan (during 2007):
Weekly Prayers for Creation (provided by Care for Creation Team)
Care for Creation tips in weekly bulletins (provided by Care for Creation Team)
Thanksgiving Harvest Display in November
Blessing of the Animals Service
Utilizing plants on the altar instead of cut flowers
Season of Creation liturgy on four seasonal Sunday
Within Three Year Plan (by 2009)
Buy and use local wine for communion
Provide locally baked bread for communion
Within Five Year Plan (by 2011)
Consider alternatives to large bulletins every week
Committee Chairperson: Jane Nelson
Care for Creation Team Liason: Susan Winans
One Year Plan (during 2007)
Showing and discussing An Inconvenient Truth
Use the Earth Institute's eight week discussion series
Sunday School Service Project: tennis shoe recycling program
Use the resource: 30 Days of Discipleship
Within Three Year Plan (by 2009)
Adult Forums on Care for Creation Theology
Incorporate the care for creation into VBS
Committee Chairperson: Cory Wanek
Care for Creation Team Liason: Andy Vedder
One Year Plan (during 2007)
Conduct an energy audit (January 2007)
Replace light fixtures and bulbs in accordance with energy audit
Solicit bids on improving heating systems based on audit
Utilize non-toxic cleaning supplies through synod's program
Begin eliminating the use of pesticides on the property
Within Three Year Plan (by 2009)
Eliminate pesticide use on property
Replace boiler as recommended by audit
Participate in renewable energy program
Committee Chairperson: Heather Albinger
Committee Members: Wes Albinger, Amy Parry, Susan Winans, Andy Vedder, Lisa Sullivan-Vedder, Terri Lowder, and Ruth Allsion
One Year Plan (during 2007)
Use paper rather than Styrofoam products until dishwasher installation
Improve awareness of recycling bins, especially after fellowship events
Install energy-star dishwasher for coffee-hour fellowship, and altar guild by April 1st.
Use church's glassware, plates, and utensils rather than disposable products
Display light-switch reminders (Heather Albinger)
Install a bike rack on Stowell Ave. by April 1st (Susan Winans)
Coordinate "Our-Church Discipleship" and "Care for Creation Tip" (Lisa Vedder)
Recycle paper (Terri Lowder)
Host synod's Earth Day training event
Within Three Year Plan (by 2009)
Request special donations to purchase and install an energy-star dishwasher in the kitchen and with the suppor of the property committee.
Use church's glassware for even large-scale fellowship events
Research and begin creating a high-visibility community project
Encourage people within the congregation to make covenants with creation.
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