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ecumenical ministries of iowa’s
Global Warming Project


In the fall of 1999, Ecumenical Ministries of Iowa expanded its work to include—environment stewardship issues with a particular focus on global warming. EMI, along with seventeen other state ecumenical agencies, collaborate with the National Council of the Churches of Christ (NCCC) and the Religious Partnership for the Environment to educate communities on the realities of global warming, why it is an issue of faith, and what communities can do to respond.

Religious Environmentalism?

Many people are surprised by the link between the church and the environment. But in fact, throughout the bible and religious traditions, Christians are called to care for God’s creation and God’s children. The current environmental realities of our world suggest that we are falling short on our responsibility to God. Consequently, we need to study and pray to better understand how to be stewards of God’s Creation.

Caring for Creation

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of several hundred scientists called upon by the United Nations to research and report on the realities of global warming, released a new report this January. The report warns that the rate of global warming is expected to be much higher than previously thought - as much as 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the 21st century. Such an increase in global temperature will result in more frequent and more severe storms, loses in bio diversity, increased sea levels (i.e. loss of coastal land), more widespread diseases, and changes in local climates. The IPCC’s most recent report reiterated that human activity has significantly altered the natural processes of earth, leading to this unnatural warming. Humans’ are hurting, not caring, for creation.

Caring for God's Children

The people who will be most affected by global warming are those who do not have the financial resources to assimilate to the changes in our environment— they will not be able to protect themselves from the adverse affects of global warming. The painful irony is that rich individuals and nations are the most responsible for global warming and yet poor individuals and nations will be most severely affected. Global warming illuminates injustices in our world.

Christians are Called to Respond!

We now know how our energy intensive habits (frequently driving cars, keeping several lights on, not insulating our houses) will in turn affect the most vulnerable communities. The United States makes up 4% of the world’s population, yet emits one quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.  God has given us the requisite tools to love kindness and do justice. Let us recognize how our actions affect others, and let us take actions to reduce our energy use and be better stewards of creation.



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For more information contact:
EMI’s Global Warming Project
3816 36th Street, Suite 202
Des Moines, IA 50310-4722
(319) 395-6703


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