Delegates engaged in a brainstorming session to identify special
ideas that might be pursued that would further the work of LENS over
time. These will also become part of the leaders' agenda as they work
to maintain and build the network.
- Sharing of expertise, such as technical assistance, within and among LENS members.
- Meet at the NCC conference once every two years, reassessing options if for any reason in the future the NCC is unable
to continue the present organizational plan for Eco-Justice Working Group conferences.
- Make use of $500 minigrants available to synods through Job Ebenezer's office (Environmental Stewardship) at the
ELCA for environmental activities.
- Distribute the Guide to Resource-Efficient Churches, available through the ELCA.
- Support and maintain communication with our ELCA church camps.
- Work with ELCA seminaries and colleges on co-sponsorship of activities, conferences, and programs.
- Work specifically with inner-city churches.
- Maintain relationships and potential lines of funding support with fraternal insurance companies (Aid Association for
Lutherans, Lutheran Brotherhood).
The first item of business for LENS was to establish a task list of things to be done to get the new network up and running
and to facilitate its empowerment as an active entity within the church. Delegates brainstormed the following list of desired
tasks for this purpose, with assignments of personal responsibility as noted. Items not so assigned will become the
responsibility of the leaders to either accomplish or delegate in the future.
- Produce an article about the new network for The Lutheran with an accompanying photo, which was taken during the
conference (Jeff Louden).
- Use a newly created email list to share the above article for use in synod newsletters.
- Get Job Ebenezer's list of 200 contacts from the Hunger Network for potential addition to the email list.
- Identify "green" congregations as models for others; possibly use "Covenant" model provided by the National Council
of Churches as a standard for showing that the congregation has committed itself to earthkeeping ministry.
- Collect and send congregational and synodical success stories to Job Ebenezer.
- Bring David Rhoads of LSTC into an active role in the network.
- Bring Bill Avery of Gettysburg Seminary into an active role in the network.
- Include outdoor ministries in our activities and communications.
- Set up an email list for all members to facilitate communications (Geri Spring and Nancy Fulcher).
- Link our efforts with the "Web of Creation" World Wide Web site under development by students at LSTC.
- Make use of ELCA Web site to introduce newcomers to our existence and activities.
- Contact Lutheran Office of Governmental Affairs (LOGA) regarding continuation of interim Lutheran Volunteer
Corps position for environmental lobbying.